Allowed Scopes

In certain situations you may want to restrict which scope can be requested by certain applications. With wicked, this can be done using a setting on the subscription of an application to an API.

Example: An API has three different scopes: read, write and create, and offers only the Client Credentials Flow. Some applications/subscriptions shall only be able to read from the API, others are allowed to request any scope.

This can be achieved by specifying the allowed scopes. Changing allowed scopes can only be done by API Portal administrators, but any user of the API Portal can review the settings on their own subscriptions, by going to the applications they have a subscription for.

Possible Settings

The possible settings for the allowed scopes are the following:

Trusted Applications/Subscriptions

For trusted applications/subscriptions, the allowed scopes mode (see previous section) is implicitly set to All. It is not possible to restrain the scope which is granted to a trusted application.

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